About ARVerb


ARVerb is an audio software company specializing in VST/AudioUnit plugins, with a solid background in physics and low-level audio programming. It was founded in Grenoble (France) in 2022 by Alexandre Ratchov, system programmer, physicist, and musician.

Algorithms designed at ARVerb are inspired by actual physical models, resulting in precise and natural sound. Our experience in low-level system programming pushes us to write minimal, lightweight, and fast software.

We trust users and respect their freedom. We don't use restrictive and expensive anti-piracy technologies, our products don't connect to the internet, and we don't track users.

Company data

Contact: support@arverb.com

EIRL Alexandre Ratchov ARVerb
6 rue Mozart,
38000 Grenoble

EU VAT number : FR77800136855
SIRET : 80013685500023


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Logo Logo 512x512
Screenshot Screen-shot: ARVerb Room, Dark theme
Screenshot Screen-shot: ARVerb Room, Light theme
Screenshot Screen-shot: ARVerb Room, Both themes